CMD taskKill 命令详解 for Server 2012

taskKill 用于按进程 ID 或映像名终止进程。

另请参阅: taskList

基本用法     详细用法

taskKill /F /im "digitser.exe"
taskKill /F /PID 7416


taskKill [/s <Computer> [/u [<Domain>\]<UserName> [/p [<Password>]]]] {[/fi <Filter>] [...] [/pid <ProcessID> | /im <ImageName>]} [/f] [/t]


参数 EN 解释 中文翻译 备注
/s <Computer>

Specifies the name or IP address of a remote computer (do not use backslashes).

The default is the local computer.

指定远程计算机的名称或 IP 地址 (不要使用反斜杠)。


/u <Domain>\<UserName>

Runs the command with the account permissions of the user who is specified by UserName or Domain\UserName.

/u can be specified only if /s is specified.

The default is the permissions of the user who is currently logged on to the computer that is issuing the command.

使用由 UserName 或 Domain\UserName 指定的用户帐户权限运行命令。

/u 才可以指定若 /s 有指定。


/p <Password> Specifies the password of the user account that is specified in the /u parameter. 在 /u 参数中指定的用户帐号口令。
/fi <Filter>

Applies a filter to select a set of tasks.

You can use more than one filter or use the wildcard character (*) to specify all tasks or image names.

See the following Filter names, operators, and values, operators, and values.


可以使用多个过滤器或使用 * 通配符,指定所有任务或映像名称。


/pid <ProcessID> Specifies the process ID of the process to be terminated. 指定要终止进程的进程 ID。
/im <ImageName>

Specifies the image name of the process to be terminated.

Use the wildcard character (*) to specify all image names.


使用 * 通配符能指定所有映像名称。


Specifies that processes be forcefully terminated.

This parameter is ignored for remote processes;

all remote processes are forcefully terminated.




/t Terminates the specified process and any child processes started by it. 终止指定进程及由它启动的任何子级进程。


功能 命令 文字解释 示例 示例解释
帮助 taskKill /? 展示帮助信息


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